Use directio

A perfect automation and visibility tool for all your Hub & Spoke/sub-stockists and for Remote/Rural markets.

Sub-D/Stockist Solutions
It IS TIME you automate what you put in backburner....

Automate your Sub-Stockists/Sub-Distributors and all the REMOTE Dealers and Distributors now.

And there cannot be a more relevant TIME than TODAY. With digital drive getting accelerated due to new normals necessitated by the long-term effects of COVID-19 impacts, not just Trade, but even your internal team change management is much faster today. Everyone is looking at better Field Activity Models and Work Models and this is the best time to digitize and leverage the shrinking data reaches before your competitor does.

A perfect combination of Order Booking modules, Billing/Invoicing, Van Sales, Payment Gateway, Collections, Route Management, Beat Optimisation and required Analytics for a better day-to-day  planning in remote markets.

The combination of web and mobile applications that Stockiests, Sub-Stockiests, Dealers, Sub-Dealers in remote/ rural areas can choose from, offers flexibility and FAST Adoption.

The strong Communication Engine that is packaged with all directio Apps and Products, make real-time data from Remote areas a reality, irrespective of infrastructural challenges.  And our best-in-class User Support ensures the diverse user base is HAPPY TO USE TECHNOLOGY.

Use dBills LITE, a perfect automation and visibility tool for all your Hub & Spoke/sub-stockists and for Remote/Rural markets.

Please contact us to know more.

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