For your General Trade and Sales Officers


An All-Mobile App (hence our Brand, AllCell re-positioned) for Trade and Sales Officers of an organization. During COVID Lockdown, AllCell was launched with a focus on Order Booking and Order Fulfilment with visibility to Schemes, Trade discounts and Payouts.

While the current focus is to simply make “Business Possible” in such challenging times, in future AllCell with AllSell will change the Game for the SMEs in India, while making Sales Team stronger and move up the value chain.


Focused on Outlet Order Booking, Schemes, Trade Discounts, Payouts and more. Watch out for added benefits EXCLUSIVELY for current users soon to Change the Game.

A Suggestive Sales module, powered by the strong data capabilities and Analytics of directio tools, this App is the right balance between a high-powered AI solution and simple Automation tools like AllCell and directioMobillity.

Watch out for AllSell getting Smarter as your appetite progresses….

Robust integration to Consumer Ordering Apps, rFinder (our Retailer Finder App), SFAs, SFPs, DMSs, ERPs and Tally makes AllCell adoption faster and far more beneficial to Trade than a regular Retailer App, typically available in the market today.
AllCell - for retailers
For Retailers

Everything on Cell Phone

From Order Booking to Schemes, Trade Discounts visibility and empowerment to choose preferred Schemes. During COVID lockdown, this Tools became the lifeline of many Retailers to get visibility into Order Deliveries (one of the biggest pain point at the time).

This also integrates to Consumer Ordering Apps, Retailer Finder Apps and of course, AllSell.

AllCell - for distributors
For Distributors
No DMS, yet Orders, Schemes and Discounts in control

AllCell became most handy for the Order Visibility to Fulfilment part during COVID-19 Lockdown. However, many Distributors also liked the facility to get Schemes, Trade Discounts, Primary Orders, Claims and Collections without the headache of implementing multiple DMS for multiple Brands. 

Integration to ERPs, Tally and Payment Gateways is also found useful by some.

AllCell - for enterprise
For Enterprises
Keep Performance Measurement Going  

Continue with Activity Management, Attendance monitoring, Performance based Incentive calculation and relevant KPI metrics. Integration to PJP also help drive beat-wise Ordering by Outlets irrespective of lockdowns.

While this tool focuses on Retailer Asset Management for organizations and Activity Mangement/Performance Measurement tools for the Field Sales Team, one of adoption AllCell was direct communication with Outlets, highly valuable especially in situations like lockdowns/minimal sales team visits.

highly recommended for UPTOWNS, RURAL MARKETS and new markets
With offline access, easy synchronisation, integrated Payment Gateways and the FASTEST & MOST COST-EFFECTIVE roll-out available today, we highly recommend AllCell for your remote/uptown/rural markets and new markets where you currently may have less control on Trade and don’t have a lot of time for a traditional Software deployment cycle.
AllSell - Suggestive Sales Intelligence
Thinking Sales Team, Guided Trade, Smarter Growth

For Retailers - Suggestive intelligence to guide on best schemes, discounts and brand profitability guiding Smart Order Booking with available Cash in rotation.

For Sales team - Better push combinations till SKU, Beat, Outlet level, aligned to corporate goals and hence incentives.

AllCell - AllSell
Integration to BOTs and AI Apps

Make your BOTs and AI Apps more intelligent


A BOT or AI also needs to be fed with data! and is only as good as the data and analysis that gets fed to it! For a smarter investement, Choose AllCell first, then AllSell and then BOT/AI, by when the user too moves up the technology curve and is ready for next level technology advancement.

With the thorough data transactions, analysis and suggestive aanalytics already available in AllCell and directio Solutions, we can integrate to your Sales BOT or AI Applications and be the BRAIN BEHIND the BOT/AI.

AllCell - integration to BOT AI