Use directio

Streamlined and Measured Market Activities, Efficient Sales.

Streamlined and Measured Market Activities, Efficient Sales.
Streamline day-to-day activities, enhance market controls.

Rich set of tools to plan and monitor Market Activities of your Field Warriors and effectively manage Sales, Promotions, Compliance and KPIs.

The first and immediate benefit of implementing direction Activity Management Solution is streamlining of the entire Sales Force efforts and standardisation of the activity workflow, for better market controls and predictable results.

Keeping your Sales Force safety in mind and the new normal that will have to be adopted even post-COVID, there cannot be a more relevant time to implement directio Activity Management Solution.

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Use directio Market Activity Management Solution to align your entire Sales Team’s Market Activities and Coverage Plans with Sales Targets, Brand Strategy and overall Company Targets.


The combination of Web Planning & Manager Approval tool and Mobile Application for Field level execution, ensures real-time monitoring and measurement of all Field Activity effectiveness.

Some immediate direct benefits

Effective management of day-to-day operations leading to improved Sales with lesser effort and budget.

Objective driven journey plan for more effective visits and to optimize on cost.


Effective control system for Sales spends, including linking of expense statements to tour/ activity plan and Sales Achievements.


Better market coverage and performance.


Better Stock Liquidation with Expiry Alerts.

Better Collections/ Outstanding Management.

Regular Market Feedback and important Market Insights.


Better Competition Tracking

Please contact us to know more.

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