Use directio

Geo-Tag any location or Geo-Track moving parts for optimised functioning.

Geo-Tag Outlets, Geo-Track Stock.
Geo-Tag Outlets, Geo-Track Stock.

directio has tools to effectively Geo-Tag any of your locations, say Outlets, Distributor Points, Warehouses. The unique methodology and algorithm adopted ensures you have high accuracy even in crowded markets like Urban and Semi-urban India.

directio Geo-Tracking provides effective Tracking for varied purposes, while providing different methodologies and algorithm for different objectives. This ensures your Spend, your end-users' phones and your overall data handling costs are optimal.

The first and immediate use of directio Geo-Tagging solutions by most companies is to tag the Outlets. Along with this Software Solution, directio also offers a range of services to effectively build this Asset for organizations, while ensuring  the Sales Team can move up the Value Chain to work on more tactical and strategic activities.

Check out  our Retailer Network Services & Solutions    to know more.

Some of the other common uses of directio Geo-Tagging / Geo-Tracking / combination of the two solutions are:

  1. Logistics
  2. Employee Safety (very relevant for COVID and post-COVID era)
  3. Stock Tracking
  4. Sales Team Workflow Automation
  5. Sales Team effectiveness measurement and control systems (especially suitable in case of Outsourced Resources)

Some immediate direct benefits

Richer and Accurate Retailer Asset

Consolidate Trade Assets in stabilised markets. Build better and accurate Trade Assets in  new, remote or specialised markets.

Activity Effectiveness vs Spends

Planned vs Actuals for your Objective driven Journey Plans and mapping of Activity Effectiveness vs Spends.

Better Sales Plan, Market Strategy

Link Activities Actuals and Time Spent to Topline and Bottomline. Help in better Sales Plan, Tactics and Strategy.


Better Market Coverage


Better market coverage with optimised salesman activities and spend.


Better Stock Tracking

Better Logistics Management and Stock Tracking.


Dynamic Distribution Plan

Optimised distribution  with facility to handle dynamic stock needs.


Employee Safety


Keep your Team safe whether on duty or otherwise. This is OFFERED AS A FREE SERVICE until further notice to help customers and country fight COVID situation.

Please contact us to know more.

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